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Writer's pictureDr. Austin Conn, DC

Taking Steps Towards Healthy Feet: Understanding Foot Health and Finding the Right Shoes

When it comes to our overall well-being, we often overlook the health of our feet. Yet, our feet play a crucial role in our overall movement and body mechanics. In this blog, we’ll delve into why most cleats and athletic shoes are hurting our feet, explore detrimental movement patterns, and provide insights into choosing the right footwear for optimal foot health.

The Trouble with Tight Shoes

Athletes, in their pursuit of peak performance, often prefer wearing tight-fitting cleats or athletic shoes with a raised heel that crams their toes together. As they run and cut, the force of their explosive movement is all localized into those crammed toes. This effect is similar to women who frequently wear high heels. The shoe forces the pressure of their body weight into their crammed toes at the front of the shoe. With our toes mashed together, we aren’t able to spread the weight of our body evenly throughout the foot. Inadvertently, these shoes place all of our pressure on the base of our first toe. This can often contribute to the development of bunions.

Bothersome Bunions

Bunions are a mass of bone that can form at the base of the big toe, causing discomfort and affecting mobility. While rehab can slow bunions from forming or encourage better mechanics, it’s best to prevent bunions before they can ever form in the first place. If the bunion becomes severe enough, the only option is often surgery. The mass of bone that forms changes the anatomy of your foot and can be painful. Once a bunion forms, it forces your big toe to angle toward your other toes. Now, you are no longer able to push off of the big toe while running or walking. Instead, you begin to roll off the inside of your foot. This can cause a cascade of events that can become detrimental to your biomechanics.

Detrimental Movement Patterns

Bunions force you to walk on the inside of your foot. Similarly, flat feet force your ankles to roll in. Both of these movements cause our knees to fall inward while we walk, run, or squat. The inward angle of your knees places unwanted pressure on the knee's ligaments, causes your hips to rotate forward, and your low back to become tight. These effects can all lead to pain and injury in your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. Foot health is crucial to your overall health!

Addressing Overpronation and Flat Feet

Over-pronation or flat feet can be a primary cause of movement dysfunction. A weak arch of your foot usually causes overpronation. While orthotics may be beneficial and provide relief, it doesn’t address the root cause of these problems to achieve long-term improvement. These patients become reliant on orthotics to have proper movement patterns. While they wear these inserts, it is best to also be strengthening the musculature of your foot. Towel scrunches are an easy at-home exercise to strengthen your arch. Living in Tampa makes it easy to prescribe walks on the beach, as the sand forces you to activate your arch by gripping the ground with your foot. Rehab can make your body resilient, preventing future injuries! Come into Function First to attack a weak arch with a full treatment plan.

Embracing Minimalist Shoes

In recent years, minimalist shoes have gained popularity for everyday wear. Wearing these shoes promotes natural foot movement and strengthens the muscles in our feet. They offer a more minimalistic design, allowing our feet to move and flex as they were intended. By gradually transitioning to minimalist shoes, we can reap the benefits of stronger foot muscles and improved overall foot health. They have wide toe boxes and no rise in the heel. This allows us to distribute our weight evenly throughout the foot. The toes, pads of our feet, and heel create a strong triangular base to begin our stable movement patterns. Notable brands like Vivo Barefoot, Xero, and Altra Running have emerged as leaders in minimalist footwear, providing fashionable options for individuals interested in exploring this approach. For those who don’t want to let go of the swoosh, Nike Free Runs are a great option as well!

Choosing the Right Running Shoe

When it comes to running shoes, it's essential to make informed decisions that prioritize foot health. Look for shoes with a wide toe box, allowing your toes to splay naturally, and a low drop heel to promote weight from being pushed into your toes and shortening your Achilles tendon. Usually, you do want a bit more cushion than a thin barefoot shoe for running. An individual's running style also plays a role. If you are a mid-foot or a heel striker, ensure your new shoe doesn’t change that running pattern. Studies show that however you naturally strike the ground is usually best for you. Remember, choosing the right running shoe goes beyond aesthetics and brand names; it is about finding the shoe that supports your individual foot mechanics.

While in the pursuit of optimal health and performance, we must not overlook the health of our feet. By understanding the causes of movement dysfunction, acknowledging the importance of foot strength, and choosing appropriate footwear, we can take significant steps towards healthier and happier feet. Whether you are an athlete seeking to maximize performance or an individual looking to improve everyday foot health, prioritizing your feet can lead to a more balanced and active life.

Remember, your feet are the foundation of your body. Treat them with care, choose shoes wisely, and embrace the path towards healthier feet. They're the base of your movement!

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